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by Emily Henry
Published: January 26, 2016 by Razorbil
Find: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | Book Depository | Indiebound
Book Description: Natalie Cleary must risk her future and leap blindly into a vast unknown for the chance to build a new world with the boy she loves.
Natalie’s last summer in her small Kentucky hometown is off to a magical start... until she starts seeing the “wrong things.” They’re just momentary glimpses at first—her front door is red instead of its usual green, there’s a pre-school where the garden store should be. But then her whole town disappears for hours, fading away into rolling hills and grazing buffalo, and Nat knows something isn’t right.
That’s when she gets a visit from the kind but mysterious apparition she calls “Grandmother,” who tells her: “You have three months to save him.” The next night, under the stadium lights of the high school football field, she meets a beautiful boy named Beau, and it’s as if time just stops and nothing exists. Nothing, except Natalie and Beau.
Emily Henry’s stunning debut novel is Friday Night Lights meets The Time Traveler’s Wife, and perfectly captures those bittersweet months after high school, when we dream not only of the future, but of all the roads and paths we’ve left untaken.
Check HERE for my thoughts on this beautifully written book.
Would You Rather with
Author Emily Henry & her characters Natalie and Beau
1) If everything that came out of your mouth for the rest of
your life either had to be sung OR spoken in rhyme, which would you
Emily Henry – Sing. You don’t have to think about it as much. Plus I
already sing about forty-percent of what I say in a Jean-Ralphio voice, so it’d
be less of an adjustment.
Natalie – Rhyme; she’d rather think carefully about everything
she said and be a little less embarrassed.
Beau – Rhyme. He’d probably just never speak again if he had to
choose between those two things, but in an emergency, I bet he’d rhyme.
2) Would you rather never play OR play but always lose?
Emily – My natural inclination is that I’d never play--I’m
really bad about making myself try new things or do things I’m bad at--but if I
were actually making an intentional decision, I’d choose to play but always
lose. I’d definitely regret never playing.
Natalie – Never play. Nat’s been known to shut down, and
to quit entirely when she feels like something’s not going her way.
Beau – Play but always lose. Beau’s not goal oriented. I’m sure
he’d hate losing, but the point for him is more the joy playing than the end
3) Would you rather live in a house made entirely of glass
you couldn’t cover OR a house that had no windows at all.
Emily – In a perfect world, I live in an all glass house in a
remote and beautiful forested mountain. In this world, I can imagine few things
more depressing than a house with no windows or scarier than a house that’s
entirely windows. How thick is the glass? Am I safe in this house of windows?
If so, I choose that one. It’d be hard to write without windows.
Natalie – Similar reasoning as above. At this stage of life,
she’d veer toward no windows, but when she’s older and more self assured, I
think she’d go all glass.
Beau – BEAU, why are you so easy to please? He would do either
of these, no problem. In a way, he’s private but I don’t think he’d feel
intruded upon having the whole world see him at all times, because he would
just ignore them. But I also don’t think he’d find it morbidly depressing to
live in a house with no windows. In fact, his bedroom has no windows, so I
really don’t know. Glass, probably.
4) Would you rather give out bad advice OR receive bad
Emily – Receive bad advice. Let’s be real, who actually takes
advice? Just kidding, that’s terrible! I hope a lot of people do, BUT I think a
lot of times when we’re asking for advice, we’re really just looking for a)
confirmation that we’re right about how to handle something or b) for someone
to tell us we don’t have to do a hard thing we’re pretty sure we need to do.
And I think bad advice, a lot of times, is just how someone else would handle
something, but not necessarily what’s best for you, and I like to think you can
feel the difference, so getting bad advice every once in awhile
shouldn’t be a huge deal.
Natalie – Receive bad advice. She’s going to do what she wants
to do anyway, and she doesn’t want to be responsible for someone else’s
happiness. Plus it’s so important to her to figure things out on her own and I
suspect she’d rather do something wrong on her own than right by
following someone else’s lead. Plus she just really trusts her intuition, so
it’s not uncommon for her to do things that really surprise other people or
make no sense to them.
Beau – Receive bad advice. I don’t think Beau asks for advice,
though, and few people would think to ask him for advice, although he’s
actually got some good stuff to say.
5) Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind OR
never speak again?
Emily – UGHHHAAAHHHHHH. My heart and brain tore in half just
now. I would be so terrified to have to always speak my mind. I can’t imagine
any relationship surviving that because sometimes our brains are just jerks!
Selfish jerks, who want to blame other people for their own grumpiness. I can’t
imagine if I actually said it aloud every time I convinced myself I do all the
dishes (I absolutely don’t; I’m actually 97% sure my husband does most of the
dishes, but sometimes you’re just feeling like a BRAT, and no one should have
to be subjected to that!). Then again, it’s way harder to build
relationships if you can’t speak. Does writing things down count as speaking in
this scenario? Okay, fine, I choose “always speaking my mind,” but then
sequestering myself so I’m only among people who already know and love me, and
will forgive me when I’m terrible.
Natalie – Have to say everything on your mind. I’m not saying
she’d be thrilled about it, but she would feel so trapped by not being able to
speak her mind.
Beau – Never speak again. He’s like, totally cool with this. He
could pretty much live in the wilderness and be okay.
6) Would you rather wear the same outfit every day for the rest of
your life OR eat the same meal?
Emily – THIS IS SO HARD. UGHHH. I have to go with same
outfit, which is pretty crazy because I love clothes, but I already tend to get
obsessed with one food and eat it until I absolutely hate it, so life would be
more sad/nauseating if I had to eat the same meal everyday, whereas life in one
outfit would just force me to focus my creativity and identity elsewhere.
Natalie – At this stage of life, she’s really concerned with
discovering and codifying her identity, so I think she’d go with “same food,”
but of the three of us, she’s definitely the most conflicted on this one.
Beau – I kind of doubt either of these options sound bad to
Beau. He’s not far off from either of these lifestyles, but he’d probably
choose wearing the same outfit everyday.
This post made me love Emily and her characters even more! If you haven't met Natalie and Beau for yourself, don't miss their story.

Emily Henry is full-time writer, proofreader, and donut connoisseur. She studied creative writing at Hope College and the New York Center for Art & Media Studies, and now spends most of her time in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the part of Kentucky just beneath it. She tweets @EmilyHenryWrite.
Find Emily: @EmilyHenryWrite | Goodreads
Tour Schedule
The Young Folks
1/18 - Interview
Reading Teen
1/19 - Guest post 1
It Starts at Midnight
1/20 - Top 10 list
The Hollow Cupboards
1/21 - Book soundtrack
Owl Always Be Reading
1/22 - Review & giveaway
Fiction Fare
1/25 - Guest post 2
1/26 - Interview
The Hardcover Lover
1/27 - 25 Random Things About Me
Effortlessly Reading
1/28 - Interview
A Midsummer Night's Read
1/29 - Review & giveaway
The Forest of Words and Pages
2/1 – Character playlist
Love is not a triangle
2/2 - Would You Rather?
The Book Addict's Guide
2/3 - Character playlist 2
Once Upon a Twilight
2/4 - Dreamcasting post
2/5 - Review & giveaway
Stunning blog tour post Lauren :D Such a fun interview thingy. <3 I adore it. You have made me curious about this book.. but I'm still unsure. Still. Maybe one day :D Thank you for sharing sweetie. <3